• Technical, financial and legal due diligence – table grape farm in the Hex River Valley
  • Technical, financial and legal due diligence – wine farming, wine tasting, restaurant, events & accommodation
  • Technical due diligence for a major table grape and dates producer-exporter company
  • Technical and commercial due diligence on timber
  • Technical and commercial due diligence and valuation of existing table grape and citrus operations and proposed expansion
  • Technical due diligence for a major deciduous fruit and sub-tropical fruit producer-exporter company
  • Technical & financial due diligence for a greenfield apple juice concentrate plant and associated horticultural development
  • Technical due diligence for a major citrus and rooibos producer-exporter company
  • Technical due diligence and fair valuation of the operations of a citrus grower-exporter
  • Technical due diligence for a large scale leafy salad production and processing facility
  • Technical due diligence report for operations on a table grape and date farm
  • Technical due diligence for the operations of a table grape and date farm
  • Technical due diligence in the Tuli Block – Botswana
  • Technical due diligence for a Public Investment Corporation (PIC)
  • Due diligence and appraisal for a table grape farm in the Northern Cape (PIC)
  • Due diligence and viability assessment for Exhex Empowerment Farms (pty) Ltd
  • High Level Agri Assessment – Hoogekraal Development
  • High level concept assessment – Determining the development potential of the farm Leopard Rock
  • Verification and valuation of the biological assets (Vineyards & Orchards)
  • Due Diligence assessment culminating in a comprehensive report(s) accompanied by a financial model(s) required to enable the conclusion of a viability assessment of the Hortfin